What to Know
- Register for AdSense.
- In Earnings, link your AdSense account to your Blogger account.
- Specify where you want ads to display, and add the AdSense gadget.
This article describes how to add AdSense to Blogger.
Register for AdSense (If You Have Not Done So Already)
Before completing the rest of these steps, you must link your AdSense account to your Blogger account. In order to do that, you must have an AdSense account. Unlike many other Google services, this isn't one that comes automatically with registering for an account.
Go to www.google.com/adsense/start.
Registering for AdSense isn't an immediate process. AdSense will start appearing on your blog as soon as you register and link the accounts, but they will be ads for Google products and public service announcements. These do not pay money. Your account will have to be manually verified by Google in order to be approved for full AdSense use.
You will need to fill out your tax and business information and agree to AdSense terms and conditions. Google will verify that your blog is eligible for AdSense. (That it doesn't violate terms of service with things like obscene content or inappropriate items for sale.)
Once your application is approved, your ads will change from public service ads to paying contextual ads if any are available for the keywords on your blog.
Go to the Earnings Tab
Ok, you have created both an AdSense account and a Blogger blog. Maybe you're using a Blogger blog that you've already established (this is recommended - you don't actually earn much with a low traffic blog you just created. Give it some time to build up an audience.)
The next step is to link the accounts. Go to the Earnings settings on your blog of choice.
Link Your AdSense Account to your Blogger Account
This is a simple verification step. Verify that you want to link your accounts, and then you can configure your ads.
Specify Where to Display AdSense
Once you've verified that you want to link your Blogger to AdSense, you'll need to specify where you want ads to display. You can place them in gadgets, between posts, or in both places. You can always go back and change this later if you think you have too many or too few.
Next, we'll add some gadgets.
Go to Your Blog Layout
Blogger uses gadgets to display informational and interactive elements on your blog. To add an AdSense gadget, go first to Layout. Once in the layout area, you'll see the areas designated for gadgets within your template. If you don't have any gadget areas, you'll need to use a different template.
Add the AdSense Gadget
Now add a new gadget to your layout. The AdSense gadget is the first choice.
Your AdSense element should now appear on your template. You can rearrange the position of your ads by dragging the AdSense elements to a new position on the template.
Be sure to check with AdSense Terms of Service to make sure you don't exceed the maximum number of AdSense blocks you're allowed.
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