Blogs are a diary-kind of websites that are easier to launch, operate and maintain . The writer makes entries informally and they are arranged in reverse chronological order. The technology to set up a blog is easy and inexpensive, even free It seems everyone has a blog these days, and the plethora of information available can make it difficult to attract a solid group of readers. But according to Tamar Weinberg at Techipedia , there are 11 characteristics of all highly influential blogs that will build your blog and its followers if you adopt them. Consistency. Readers want lots of posts, and "neglected content may inadvertently translate to neglecting your readers too." Eloquence. Read a lot, write well and proofread. Weinberg's favorite bloggers "always have something insightful to say," and "their content exudes intelligence and occasional wit." Uniqueness. Channeling Darren Rowse, Weinberg argues that being unique "requires not do...