Blogs are a diary-kind of websites that are easier to launch, operate and maintain. The writer makes entries informally and they are arranged in reverse chronological order. The technology to set up a blog is easy and inexpensive, even free
It seems everyone has a blog these days, and the plethora of information available can make it difficult to attract a solid group of readers.But according to Tamar Weinberg at Techipedia , there are 11 characteristics of all highly influential blogs that will build your blog and its followers if you adopt them.
- Consistency. Readers want lots of posts, and "neglected content may inadvertently translate to neglecting your readers too."
- Eloquence. Read a lot, write well and proofread. Weinberg's favorite bloggers "always have something insightful to say," and "their content exudes intelligence and occasional wit."
- Uniqueness. Channeling Darren Rowse, Weinberg argues that being unique "requires not doing what everyone else does." I.e. don't repeat the news with nothing new to offer.
- Specific. Focus on a niche and master it.
- Personal. Let readers get to know the person behind the screen. Write "personal stories as it relates to your mission in blogging," Weinberg says.
- Analytical. "People love data, and they love knowing how data can be aggregated to make conclusions. They love charts and graphics, and they love the findings that can be made from this data in aggregate," Weinberg says. So give it to them.
- Detail. Details take a regurgitated news story and make them your own. The more detail, the better.
- Thought-Provoking. Leave your readers thinking about your post long after they click away.
- Passion. If you are passionate about your blog, readers will notice.
- Instructional. Teach your readers how to do something interesting and useful, and it will be impossible for them not to share.
- Networked. Be active in your quest to attract readers. "In order for people to find you," Weinberg says, "you need to be able to market your blog to them. How does one do this? Comment on other bloggers' posts consistently. Send tweets out to the bloggers with your own commentary."
- The Right Structure. Structure is often one of the most overlooked aspects of blogging.
- Visual Content.
- A Clear Focus.
- Regular Content.
- Internal Linking.
Common Characteristics Of Successful Blogs
1. Awesome design
Your blog design is the first thing people see. It’s also the most distinguishable feature of your blog. And a way for you to express yourself and what the blog stands for.
If you’re using WordPress or Tumblr – avoid using the default themes! Seriously, they are the most bland and uninspiring designs available. You’ll certainly not see Twenty Eleven as the Theme for any reputable blog.
Why? Because it tells people you’re too lazy to make an effort. The default themes are generic and it suggests the content will be generic too. What’s to say the content will be of any quality – especially with a default WordPress theme?
Hire a developer, or buy a theme and customize it yourself. Custom themes show off your personality and look more professional than the free themes available.
2. A clear focus
Great blogs have a clearly defined focus. They don’t try to be all things to everybody, and they can summarize what the blog is about in one sentence.
Blogs who try to cover everything are doomed to fail – simply because you can’t cover everything with any credibility. Choose a niche and focus on a topic you’re passionate about.
To help you with your focus check out 5 Questions To Help You Decide The Focus Of Your Blog
3. Regular content
Blogs that hardly publish content get lost in the fog! The reason is because everyone is competing for people’s attention.
Your job is to stay top of mind with regular content relevant to your audience’s needs. However, strive for quality over quantity with at least one blog post a week. If you can manage to publish 5 times a week without sacrificing quality, even better!
Stanford Smith wrote an interesting post about blogging everyday on his blog PushingSocial that’s worth checking out.
Usually what’s needed is a good strategy to outline your content marketing efforts. For information check out How To Develop A Content Strategy That Rocks
4. Spectacular images
Images play an important role in pulling visitors into your content. They are also great at complementing your post and can help reinforce a point you’re making.
Just be sure to avoid the cliche and over-used images of boardroom meetings and two people shaking hands. Instead look for some unique and eye-catching photos to make your posts pop.
I find most of my images through Flickr by using the Creative Commons Search. It’s free and I have no problem crediting the maker in my post. But it can take up to 30mins to find the perfect image.
5. Vibrant Community
Take a look at Social Media Examiner and Problogger, and you’ll notice an endless stream of comments at the end of each post. This is because they’ve created content that builds relationships with readers.
Almost all of their posts end with a question for the reader to comment on. Make sure you do the same. And also use a commenting system like Disqus or Livefyre, which also integrates social media, accounts.
So how does your blog measure up? If you ticked all the boxes above, well done! If not – don’t worry; it takes time to build a successful blog. The hardest part is usually starting and committing to an editorial calendar.
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