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More Technology We Don't Need: Spray On Shirts


According to a recent article in the DailyMail, we have made tremendous new strides in the area of Stuff We Didn't Ask For and Really Don't Need: Spanish designer, Dr. Manuel Torres has developed "Fabrican."

What is Fabrican?, you ask breathlessly as you grab your keys, ready to race to the local Fabrican store to purchase some. It is... wait for it... fabric in a can.

Sounds like an SNL skit, but it is a reality. So if you've ever thought, "Gee, pulling a shirt out of my drawer is just way too convenient. I wish there was a way I could call a friend over and have him spend 20 minutes spraying a shirt on me. Out of a can. That shows every imperfection," now you can make that happen. (Video after the jump.)

It may look like it, but don't dare tell the good Dr. Torres that his invention is simply body painting. Unless you want a face full of sprayed fabric. A Fabrican garment, once dry, can be peeled off the body in tact, and washed and worn over and over. Until you get bored with it, then you can dissolve it, and turn it into a new design, or use it to repair an old one.

The Dr.'s dream was "to be able to create clothes instantly and cheaply, all of which would be a perfect fit." And according to the article, "Dr Torres is working on ways to create more forgiving shapes as not everyone likes their clothes clinging to every curve. He is also trying to minimize the distinct whiff of solvent about the garments." Nice shirt, you been stripping paint?

All kidding aside, the practical uses for the spray-on fabric could run from bandages to furniture. Which means you could spray over that guacamole stain on your couch, right before she comes over. Beats flipping the cushions every few weeks.

